• To encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children.
  • To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.
  • To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children.
  • To help those whose family life has met with adversity.

    Mothers’ Union Vision is of a world where God’s love is shown through

    • Loving
    • Respectfulness
    • Flourishing relationships.

    History of Mother's Union

    Mothers' Union is based in all Anglican It is affiliated under the Archbishop Bishops Anglican Church.

    In Kenya, each Diocese has its own they elected a smaller team to form the The Committee has an elected Chairlady, Secreta other Members who complete the leadership wishes, it can elect other Sub-Committees wi Committee, for ear-marked purposes.


    Mothers' Union was started by Mrs Mary Elizabet Britain, Old Alresford, Hampshire near Winchester M her husband, a Priest-Revd. Sumner invited Parchiones home. They both encouraged the women on the de together in fellowship. This event marked the beginning of Mothers' Union group. Mrs Mary Sumner was bono December 1828 and got married to Revd. George Summer inteyes 1846.

    Mrs Mary Sumner was a prayerful woman, whose mother and and taught her to read the word of God every day. She continuite practice unabated, understood scripture, even when she becamear adult. As Timothy in the bible knew, whatever is implanted tom childhood, never ever gets forgotten Mary became a dee Christian, never to waiver on her faith. She emphasized the w Mothers' Union as a duty of Teaching children to know about well as having a loving relationship with Him

    In 1955, Mrs Gladys Beecher, wife of the Bishop of Mombasa met Canon Samuel Nguru, a Priest from Kiambaa Parish. She spoke to him on the need to start Mothers' Union so that they could have a similar fellowship like the one in Britain. Canon Nguru received the news with whole-heartedness. He carefully sought to know much more, so that he could sensitize clearly to the women ministry. What encouraged Canon Nguru more, was the idea of man and wife living together in holy matrimony. Only death would separate them, which was itself a great relief for families

    Canon Nguru confided in three women, wine besed due to our aptitude and legalized marital status, shout the They were

    1. Mrs Lilian Wairimu Kanukk

    2. Mrs Hottensiah Wanjiku Kamau

    3: Mrs Mary Wambui Kagwe

    He introduced to them his new found information out Word Union, they understood and embraced women accepted to be trained by Mrs Gladys Beecher, with inclusion of other women from Parishes in Kantes, Ndumberi, Karura, Kinita and Gachorage The felldig was geared to be held at Muongoiya Parish, once a month. The effect was the enrollment of the first Members on 4 March 1956 in Kiambu. Mrs Joyce Wanjiru Karathe became the first Chairlady of Kiambaa Archdeaconry

    Subsequently, the fire of the gospel was ever glowing. Other groups started forming their own Fellowships such as Kabete. The second enrollment took place in July 1956 at Kabete Mrs Rachel Wacuka Mungai was elected the first Chairlady in Kabete More Mainings were held to teach on other issues such as:

    1. Husband to the enrolled women, was to be given the necessary training.

    2. Objectives and promises from the Mothers' Union

    3. Cleanliness and growth of women Christians, and how they would be of help to others.

    4. Economic empowerment by purchasing of utensils, chairs and tents for hire

    The first Mothers' Union worker in East Africa was Sister rene Rocket. Mothers' Union's growth was phenomenal Conferences in the Province began and spread to Limuru, Masasi Tanzania, Eldoret, Dodoma, Mombasa, Kabete, Butere, Nairobi, Kisumu, Embu and Nakuru till this day.

    When the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South was carved from the larger M Kenya Diocese, the Bishop then became the Rt. Revd. Obad Kenya His wife Lillian Wairimu became the first Chairlady 1966, the first Mothers' Union Coordinator was Mrs Ha Nyagiouhi Mbugua. Mrs Mbugua worked till 1972. Mrs Beecke With the help of Mrs Mbugua, translated the Prayer book from English to Kikuyu. Bishop Sospeter Magua, then became the second Bishop of Mt. Kenya South, until he died in a grisly red accident, with his wife in 1982.

    In 1973, Sister Priscilla Njoki became the Co-ordinator in a briet stint. In 1976, Bishop Obadiah and his wife retired. The Diocese of Mt. Kenya was divided into two - Diocese of Mt. Kenya South and Diocese of Mt. Kenya East in 1984. Mrs Phoeba Njuru became the Chairlady of Mt. Kenya South followed by Mrs Pauline Ngaruiya The latter, was the wife of Bishop Ezbon Ngaruiya while Mrs Njuru was the coordinator upto 1985. During this time the Rt. Revd George Muiru Njuguna, became the presiding, Bishop. His wife Mary Herima became the Chairlady of Mothers' Union till 1995, when Bishop George resigned from his duties.

    The Rt. Revd. Peter Njenga Karioki was to succeed Bishop George Bishop Peter was enthroned as the next Bishop on 30 June 1996. His wife Jecinta, became the Patron of the Mothers' Union taking over from Mrs Loise Kang'ethe who was her predecessor up until July 1995 to March 1997. Mrs Rachael Mbogo Mwaura then became the Chairlady, while Mrs Esther Kagicha (now Ven. Esther) became the coordinator. Mrs Hannah Nyokabi Kanjabi took over the Chairlady's seat from Mrs Margaret Muiruri, who was the Mothers Union Chairlady in 2005.

    Rachel Kaheti took over from Mrs Kanjabi from the year 2004 to 2021. On 17 July 2004, the Rt. Revd. Peter Njenga and his wife Jecinta retired. The Rt. Rev'd. Timothy Ranji was enthroned as the bishop in October 2004, while his wife, Mrs Frashiah Thogori became the Patron, Bishop Timothy Ranji retired in the year 2019 The Rt. Rev'd. Charles Muchene Muturi is the 6 Bishop of the Diocese, his wife is Mrs Lucy Wanjiru Muturi. Mrs Lucy is the President of Mothers' Union, while the current Chairlady, is Mrs Mary Anne Njoroge. Mrs Njoroge took over from Mrs Rachel Kariuki in the year 2021.

    Between 1984 till now, the following Coordinators have been in office:-

    1. Mrs Jennifer K. Njoroge,

    2. Mrs Hannah Magu

    3. Mrs Mary Njeri Kamau

    4. Mrs Eunice Wanjiru Ngugi

    5. Mrs Tabitha Wanjiku Gikang'a

    6. Ven. Esther Kagicha

    7. Mrs Paula Nyaithiru Karanja

    8. Mrs Naomi Nungari Mungai

    9. Mrs Eunice Njeri Mwaura - Current Coordinator

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