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The Woods
Cinque Terre
Mountains and fjords
Northern Lights
Nature and sunrise

History was indeed made today when a remarkable 750 men and boys from Gachie area drawn from different denominations and ethnicity congregated at ACK St. Phillip's Kihara for a full day of mentorship, guidance, counselling, spiritual moulding, and personal development sessions. According to the _Vicar and Kihara Area Dean Rev'd John Kirata, he has personally buried over 60 young men between the age of 18 to 45 in the last 3 years. Furthermore, in one of the weeks of June 2023, he conducted burial services of young promising males aged 18 - 21 years on a daily basis. To add insult to injury, there have been four suicide cases in the area, all of which are of the male gender just this month. "When I pondered upon this worrying trend and pondered upon the dire repercussions it would attract in the near and far future, I was compelled to do something." Area Dean Kirata remarked. "We begun in August 2023 when we reached out to over 100 bodaboda riders in the area with an aim of impacting life skills, spiritual awakening and transforming a section of them from the shackles of drug abuse. This outreach has since metamorphosed to encompass the entirety of the male gender in Gachie with a fellowship in Church followed by a mission visit of the area marketplace every third Sunday of the month" He revealed. 20 young men who are now fully reformed from drug abuse and menace have since been baptised from August this year. The gentlemen today were divided according to their age into 4 different classes, each with designated speakers: 10 - 13 years, 14 - 20 years, 21 - 35 years, 36 years and above. Whilst the sessions were underway, The Sixth Mt. Kenya South Rt. Rev'd Canon Charles Muturi, who was only last week feted with the Order of Grand Warrior of Kenya* for championing the course of the boy child, made a surprise entry. "To see all of you here today is to me a dream come true; a vivid testimony that this noble campaign of safeguarding the present and future of the boychild has now taken wing." The Bishop took time to engage the delighted men and boys with a different message for every cluster. "Such a strategy is worth replicating." He pondered as he lauded Rev'd John Kirata, and Parishoners, especially the members of KAMA and KAYO, for ensuring the day's success. Courtesy of friends of the Vicar and well wishers, all attendees were treated to a scrumptious lunch comprising a flock of 20 rams, 100 kgs of beef, ugali, mukimo, rice and vegetables.

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